Další setkání CZJUG proběhne ve
čtvrtek 26.4. od 18:00 a na programu je tentokrát
jediná prezentace od Jardy Tulacha: „Jak  psát API,
které přežije nástrahy času“. Jedná se o téma, která
dostalo nejvíce hlasů při hlasování o další přednášky.
Přednáška bude česky, i když je abstrakt anglicky. Více
informací o setkáních CZJUG viz http://java.cz/jug.

Abstrakt přednášky pro 26.4.:

Creating a library for others appears to be simple, but
developing its APIs in a sustainable way that can
evolve backward compatibly is not a trivial task at

With the rise of more and more Java projects around the
world and increased sharing of code among them, the art
of writing maintainable APIs gets more important than
ever. Right now we have to figure this stuff out for
ourselves, and it’s critical for anybody writing
software that the software be used by another
programmer. This presentation, based on our more than
seven years‘ experience, is our little contribution to
help people know what we know, and make better Java
technology software.

In this session we explore API design patterns and
anti-patterns and teach how to identify those ideas
that seem like good ones, but carry a hidden, sometimes
nightmarish burden of maintenance,  a burden all too
often discovered only after the API has been in public
use for a few years.