Červnové setkání Pražské Czech Java User Group
proběhne 8.6. od 19h v posluchárně S5 na
Matematicko-fyzikální fakultě Karlovy Univerzity na
Malostranském náměstí 25, Praha 1. Čekají nás dvě
prezentace v angličtině na téma Hystrix –
managing failures in distributed systems

(Tomasz Nurkiewicz) a Microservices at 4financeIT ( Marcin
). Součástí setkání je i
občerstvení, které zajišťuje firma 4Finance. Vstup na akce CZJUGu je zdarma, a
není třeba se předem registrovat. Pokud se chystáte
přijít, dejte nám vědět formou hlasování v anketě na
hlavní stránce portálu java.cz.

Hystrix – managing failures in
distributed systems

We live in a distributed world where integration
between components is ubiquitous. Assuming all parts
of the system are working at the same time and are
not overloaded is too optimistic. Our application
must be prepared for failures, must tolerate, handle
and test exceptional conditions.

Hystrix is a library that provides complete set of
tools for managing failures. It monitors potentially
problematic sections of code (like network calls),
measures execution time and error rate. It can
pro-actively turn off malfunctioning features for a
period of time and keep system resources bound.
Built-in real-time monitoring is also really useful
to quickly troubleshoot anomalies and bottlenecks.

During this session we will focus on live demos and
code samples, no slides are planned. Real-life use
cases and proven setups will be covered.

Tomasz Nurkiewicz

Spent half of his life on programming, for the last
8 years professionally in Java land. Loves back-end,
tolerates JavaScript. Passionate about alternative
JVM languages. Disappointed with the quality of
software written these days (so often by himself!),
hates long methods and hidden side effects.
Interested in charting, data analysis and reporting.
Believes that computers were invented so that
developers can automate boring and repetitive tasks.
Also their own. On a daily basis works in financial
sector. Involved in open-source, DZone’s Most
Valuable Blogger (http://nurkiewicz.com), used to be
very active on StackOverflow. Likes programming.
Claims that code not tested automatically is not a
feature but just a rumour.

Microservices at 4financeIT

Currently in the world of IT there is a hype for
microservices. By many people understood as: „I’m
going to set up a couple of repositories and then
I’ll have microservice architecture“. Today’s
presentation will show you why it’s not true and that
this architecture involves a lot of work to be done
from the infrastructure perspective. I’ll show you
the problems that we had to face and how we tackled
them at 4financeIT. I’ll show you also how we’ve
managed to minimize the time needed to set up a new
microservice. Apart from that I’ll describe what
service discovery is, how to gather metrics from your
applications and how to aggregate logs in a
distributed system.

Marcin Grzejszczak

Software Architect at 4financeIT. Author of „Mockito
Instant“ and „Mockito Cookbook“ books. Co-author of
the Groovy @Builder AST transformation in Groovy core
and „micro-infra-spring“ library for microservices.
Author of Uptodate Gradle plugin, Spock
subjects-collaborators extension and Gradle test
profiler open source projects. Co-founder of the
Warsaw Groovy User Group and frequent microservice
hackathon organizer.