Listopadové setkání Pražské Czech Java User Group
proběhne v pondělí 7.11. od 19h v posluchárně S5 na
Matematicko-fyzikální fakultě Karlovy Univerzity na
Malostranském náměstí 25, Praha 1. Čekají nás dvě
témata: Who wants to test anyway?
Bulletproof Java EE with least developer
a Pragmatic and
productive documentation of RESTful web
(obě odprezentuje Sebastian

Vstup na akce CZJUGu je zdarma, a není třeba se
předem registrovat. Pokud se chystáte přijít, dejte
nám vědět formou hlasování v anketě na hlavní stránce

Who wants to test anyway? Bulletproof Java
EE with least developer frustration

In (enterprise) development testing often is
treated very much as poor relations. But for more
than „Hello World“ applications testing is not just
nice to have (at the end of the project) rather than
crucial for working software. This session shows how
Java EE application are tested in a productive yet
comprehensive way, why it is indispensable to do
system tests and why are integration test frameworks
like Arquillian overrated for most of the use cases.
Most of the time will be spent live-coding and of
course live-testing.

Pragmatic and productive documentation of
RESTful web services

Communication in the age of microservices is often
done via RESTful web services. Therefore JAX-RS
offers an easy integration into JavaEE. But
documenting all those fancy services can be very
discouraging for developers. This session shows some
tools, formats and approaches how documentations of
JAX-RS projects can be productively created and kept
up-to-date and what impact it has to use Hypermedia
APIs. Furthermore an approach is shown how this task
could be done fully automated.

Přednášející: Sebastian Daschner

I’m a freelancer working as a Java Consultant /
Software Developer / Architect in the enterprise
software area.

I’m a Java Champion, participating in the JCP,
serving as a JSR
370 Expert Group
member and hacking on various
open source projects. I’ve been working with Java for
more than 6 years.

Regular posts, information, best practices or
opinions about Java and Software Development can be
found on my blog. You can also find me speaking on various Java and
IT conferences around the globe.